Are you planning to travel from Patna to Mandarmani Digha Puri and want to know the best mode of transportation and total distance between Patna to Mandarmani Digha Puri?
The total distance between Patna to Digha via Ranchi is approximately 750kms , distance between Digha to Mandarmani is approx 50kms, and distance between digha to puri is approximately 350kms .
Here we have added information regarding the best mode of transportation for traveling from Patna to Mandarmani Digha Puri.
As per our research and based on survey we found that the best way to reach Mandarmani Digha Puri is by road hiring a taxi or if you are travelling in a group be it a small or large renting a luxury tempo traveller shall be an ideal choice for that reason It is more comfortable than any other vehicles.
Hiring luxury tempo traveller has got lot of benefits and features, a lot of modern amenities/facilities such as individual ac vents with blower , mobile charging ports at every seat rows, touch screen Android music system, smart LED TV, sofa cum bed in rear for sleeping or resting children or old aged person, boot space, luggage carrier, FRP interior and exterior with ambient litghings , ac push back seats with magazine holders glass and cup holder, handle to grab on while traveling,